Oh hey, hi, hello. It seems my ‘updates’ have been falling under my month review for the last couple months, but this is something else; a significant update. I had a routine surgical check up with my surgeon in late August which we had planned…
Do You Ever Feel Like a ‘bad’ Patient?
As I’ve ‘grown into’ having IBD, I’ve taken on more of my illness by knowing more and more about it. When I was first diagnosed – almost eight years to the day ago – I just wanted to get better. I wanted my pain to…
IBD & Mental Health
Disclaimer: This information is based on my own research into this particular aspect of IBD as well as some personal experience and should not be used as medical advice or a diagnostic tool. The suggestions given within are taken from sources laid out in the references header. If you…
Mental Health: My Anxiety
Welcome to my new blog post/s on Anxiety. This post aims to provide educational information about anxiety, as well as my own experience in diagnosis, treatment and coping with daily anxieties. Today, I will be sharing information I have gathered, sharing my own thoughts, as well…
Stoma Life – YEAR THREE
What I’ve Learnt and Achieve in the Last Twelve Months with my Ostomy Year Three with Priscilla has been one of calm in the mist of chaos. I made the gutsy decision to say goodbye to my sassy stump and hello to the Barbie butt club.…
Discharge Euphoria
“You can go home today” The most joyful words that can be uttered during a morning ward round when you have been in hospital for anything more than a couple days. You think back to your home and all the wonderful lovely things that…
IBD & My Relationship with my Parents
Chronic Illness and Family. Being sick definitely changed the dynamic of our family. Diagnosis Day landed a brick in our household that came from nowhere. We didn’t know how to act, we didn’t know how to communicate and we didn’t know how to respond to…
Dealing with the Dark Cloud of Depression While Taking on IBD
No one feels their best when they are unwell, and this is no different for those with chronic illness. There is an ebb and flow to anything chronic – meaning there are good and bad days – but what happens when your bad days outweigh…
Do I Consider Myself Disabled?
Inspired by the KTMY post ‘Am I Disabled? Why you should define chronic illnesses as a disability’ Does ‘Invisible Illness’ Equal ‘Disability’? Controversial but a hotly debated topic for those within the chronic and invisible illness community. Lots of questions get raised such as: What…