surgery 2016

  • ‘Recovery’ and Bowel Infection Adventures [15.06.16]

    I was never given any real information on how to recover from surgery. Sure, I got details on what had happened to my body, what I was now missing and how to best adapt going forward but I never expected ‘complications’; even though they were there, in black and white, at the end of the procedure paperwork, to happen to me.  Complications included: Chest infection. Illeus (temporary stoppage in bowels). Damage to…

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  • Pre Operative Assessment – 10.05.16

    Its finally here; the pre op appointment! Before that appointment, I also met with the stoma nurse at the hospital; there is a small chance – 10% or so – that my operation could result in having a temporary ileostomy, so we discussed what one would look like, which side I would have it on, how the bag would fit to my abdomen and why it would be needed. If…

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  • One Week to Go

    Seven more days of having all my insides, still inside of me. Seven more days of this constant, terribly draining pain. Seven more days in this current chapter of my IBD life. I know surgery isn’t a magic or quick fix. I know I will be in pain afterwards, a different pain from the one I’m experiencing right now but I am hoping this will be controlled better and not…

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  • Two weeks and counting…

    BLERGH but YAY This sums up how I feel right now. I’m looking forward to hopefully not being in this pain much longer but I am dreaded the lead up to the surgery date and what that morning will be like. Because its all new to me – being my first surgery and all – I’m really anxious. And apprehensive. It’s two weeks until my surgery. I’ve finally had all…

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  • GYN Surgical Consult – 19.04.16

    Thanks to my colorectal surgeon’s quick referral, I was going to see a gynecological surgeon to discuss the removal of the cyst on my left ovary that was discovered on my last MRI in October 2015. I’m very glad it only took a week to get into a clinic to discuss this with them; it had been the one thing that had plagued me throughout our holiday – sleepless nights…

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  • Colorectal Surgical Consult – 11.04.16

    So yesterday was my second appointment with the bowel surgeon at my hospital where my IBD is treated. After a positive GI clinic appointment last week – which you can ready about here – I was in two minds to expect a date for said surgery – a limited bowel resection – so soon; at the very least I was hoping to be put on the waiting list. This consultant’s…

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  • Sunday; the night before

    Feeling nervous about tomorrow’s appointment at the surgical clinic. Want to have it all booked and sorted so I know what I’m working towards this Summer but really dreaded it finally being in black and white. *** I know this is the best option right now. In fact, it’s sort of my only option right now. I’ve failed everything else, and even though the combination of biological drugs have made…

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