I like to think that life throws you only what you can handle. That we get given things that will test us but will not break us. Sure, they push us to breaking point but we never break. I’ve dealt with a lot of…
Entry #3: February 7th 2018
A different day, time and location for CBT today. I’ve been feeling bit brighter the last day or two, able to sort of think and process what I’m feeling instead of being numb and like I’m stuck under water. I even did my “homework” and…
Brava Protective Seal Shoot
Something I have been unable to share about – until now! – is my involvement with Coloplast and their Brava Protective Seal. I reviewed this product earlier on – read more here – but I was also approached by Coloplast HQ in Denmark to do…
Life Lately | Vedolizumab Side Effects
When I feel ill last summer, I was given the opportunity to start Vedolizumab again. For the third time. At the time, I was given a ‘that speech’ about the risks and benefits of this medication and what it could do to me. You get…
Entry #1 : January 11th 2018
I started CBT this week. Well, the first pre-session appointment. And the psychological wellbeing practitioner hit the nail on the head with some of the issues I have. When someone, who doesn’t know you in any capacity, can spend twenty minutes with you and your…
Open Letter: Stoma Bag Change
Despite doing my own research prior to my ostomy surgery, nothing really can prepare you for changing your bag for the first time. Let alone the hundredth or whatever. I sat removing my leaky bag earlier on, remembering my first bag change when I felt…
2017 – Year in Review
Well, 2017 was abit of nightmare at times eh? Just over half way through the year, my illness blind sided me and I was totally unprepared. I’d forgotten about my Crohn’s Disease because I was busy. Which is a terrible excuse but a god’s honest…
2018 Goals
Back in late 2016, I set myself these goals. All because that year was probably the most challenging and life changing year I’ve had with my IBD since diagnosis. Because I felt that I needed some focus and some ambition to drive me forward. I…
Turning a Corner: An Update
Hello! Welcome back! I’ve returned! It might have been only a short and temporary pause in my writing about my life with this wonderful chronic illness that is IBD but it feels like forever. It has not been, it’s just been a storm of shite.…