At the end of 2017, I was recovering from a low blow my health dealt me a couple of months previous and wrote this about my goals for 2018. And whilst I am still a goal orientated and goal driven person, I know that ‘goals’…
Life Lately | Let’s Talk About… MY STUMP
** WARNING: graphic details about surgery and rectal stumps. NO PHOTOS just words ** Bear with me, this is going to get technical and emotional. Who would have thought a 30cm piece of my insides would cause me so much damn stress and pain? The…
Life Lately | The Revolving Door of Feelings
“It’s a shame. It’s awful being a grown up. But the carousel never stops turning. You can’t get off.” Hands up, who else feels like this? I definitely feel this a lot of late. I thought it was just a chronic illness problem;…
Side Effects of Medication: When to Call it Quits
Disclaimer: This information is based on my own personal experience with Crohn’s medications and should not be used as medical advice. My medication regimes and processes are part of the IBD protocols set out by NICE, the CCG overseeing the NHS Trust and my specific…
Looking Back… and Looking Forward
Inspired by Emma over at Quite Gusty – here is her original post. Follow her on Twitter here! 2018 has sped past and it’s sometimes hard to believe we are ending the final months of the year. But in the same breath, it feels like it…
Life Lately | Change, Change, Change
I’ve been pretty quiet here of late. Most of that is due to moving and all the emotions that brings up… Some of it is purely down to lack of anything interesting to write or share with you. But it has been troubling me; not…
Biological Treatment, Gratitude and Being Comfortable in Hospital
A year in the making. Last year, my September was tough. It was a positive consequence of my August and the decisions myself and my IBD team made to get me well again. A quick recap – I wrote these – The Return of……
Oh ‘August’, Why do You Hate Me?
August, oh my. Patterns emerge when you’ve had your chronic illness for a while. There are some things you enjoy seeing the patterns towards; like when you can anticipate some symptoms or you get a click moment of clarity. But there are some patterns that…
That Seven Year Itch
Yesterday, I made my way to work; another Thursday commuting through town. Nothing special, nothing new, nothing different; just the same old routine. The same thing I’ve been doing for months over the summer. I scroll through my phone, enjoying the Throwback Thursday as I…