Pre Operative Assessment – 10.05.16
Its finally here; the pre op appointment!
Before that appointment, I also met with the stoma nurse at the hospital; there is a small chance – 10% or so – that my operation could result in having a temporary ileostomy, so we discussed what one would look like, which side I would have it on, how the bag would fit to my abdomen and why it would be needed. If my surgeon finds extensive disease in my transverse colon he wishes to remove, he could very well create a ileostomy to help me out for a couple months before coming back to have it reversed. Since he found no disease in my rectum, I haven’t really considered a stoma as much as I did before my colonoscopy a couple months ago. It being considered again – albeit at a small risk – got me back on high alert. I hope I don’t need it but I feel comfortable enough that if I did wake up with one I wouldn’t panic too much. Most of my questions would be actually having one so its hard to answer those right now.
After that I had my pre op – height, weight, blood pressure and pulse, MRSA swabs taken from my nose – before going in to having to detail my full medical history. This included questions about my heart, lungs, liver, previous surgeries, allergies, previous infections and diseases as well as my current health status. I’ve just gotten over a cold with a pretty strong cough so I had my chest checked to see if that was clear and it is!
I got given a lot of pre op reading to do – on enhanced recovery, MRSA, preventing blot clots, blood transfusion, anaesthesia, post operative pain management and what to expect on discharge. I also got give three pre op drinks to take before coming into the hospital on Thursday – two on Wednesday evening before bed and one Thursday morning before I am nil by mouth.
I found out I’m going to be going to a surgical ward for a week once my operation is complete and I’m out of recovery. It has extended visiting hours so I now know people will be able to visit me when they can, not when the hospital dictates. Given the length and extent of my surgery, I probably won’t be hanging around in the admission lounge for too long before seeing the consultants, anaesthetist, stoma nurse and surgical nurse prior to going down to theatre. Knowing this made me feel so much better about waiting around until 1pm before going to the hospital on Thursday. I don’t like waiting around, it just makes me more nervous.

I will under the enhanced recovery procedures in which I’ll be asked to eat, drink and move about as soon as I feel able to. This helps patients recovery from major surgery quicker and is used alot in laparoscopic surgery too. I am hoping for a smooth surgery, close as to what he has planned but I think there might be more disease than he expects and things go abit longer. I also think the cyst is going to be bigger than seen on the scan – it is now 7 months since that – and I just hope they don’t need to take my ovary. It won’t be the end of the world but it would affect me, I won’t lie. I think that might actually tip me over the edge and I’ll be in a state.
I’ve been doing pretty good at keeping my emotions in check since we got the date for surgery. Yes, it is quicker than we thought and yes, it is a big operation but it needs doing and sooner rather than later. I haven’t had time to really dwell and get ’emotional’ about it, maybe because I haven’t really seen anyone to talk about it much. I’ll probably cry with relief when I wake up and I’m not in pain!
All I have to do now is pack my day bag and put together a few things someone will bring the day after – like my laptop, more books, some biscuits, more clothes – so I have a comfortable weekend. Then final meal tonight before my pre op drinks and tomorrow is the big day. Keeping myself occupied today is key and trying to keep up with some breathing exercises to help me relax. I know these will come in hand tomorrow morning when I am staring and possible starting to panic!
My Facebook page will be getting the most attention whilst I wait until I am able to write lengthy posts.
Right Hemicolectomy with Cystectomy [12.05.16] – Pt I •
03/04/2021 at 20:43
[…] last time, I had just had my pre op assessment for my […]