2021 Goals & Intentions
Well, okay. 2020 did not happen the way anyone had expected. A global pandemic and almost a year of national lockdown? Crazy. Not only that but I had unexpected hernia surgery and a new diagnosis of diabetes. A huge amount of change, frustration and angst.
But as 2020 concludes, I am thinking deeply about what I would like to achieve for 2021. Here they are:

I decided to focus more of my energy on me and my body. Which brought me to look into ‘intentions’ as well as my usual goal setting.
Goals are focused on the future. They’re about a destination or a specific achievement. Intentions are in the present moment. Intentions are lived each day, independent of reaching the goal or destination. They are about the inner relationship with yourself.
My big intention this year is to care less about my perception online. I found myself caring far too much during lockdowns about likes and comments and shares, instead of focusing on myself – the body, mind and soul I have, that is not in governed by online habits.
I also want to sent the intention to work through more of my mental health and have a clearer vision about the interconnection of my anxiety with my chronic illness. I am in a deep state of remission, so I want to explore this while I have good health. I’ve got a new journal, new therapy starting soon and hopefully a clearer path.
Beyond those two very personal parts of my intentions, I want to hold myself accountable for my medications and taking them when I should. I got complacent during the end of 2020 and I saw changes in my appearance and body. I want to end that cycle.
2020 was beyond horrible in some aspects and it was certainly out to teach us all about kindness, restraint and thoughtfulness. I’ve come through and out of several things and I’m actively choosing to spend less time worrying about my mistakes and doing what does me good.
Much love,

Further reading:
2022 Goals •
30/12/2021 at 10:02
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