2022 Goals
I’ve been doing yearly goals for five years now, ever since I got my stoma.
And most years, it’s been either ‘stay on medication / in remission’ or ‘get x, y, z fixed’.
Well, I am hoping for 2022 to have no surgery. I am hoping to continue on my medication and have everything ticking over so that I can focus on getting my career back on track.
I do, of course, have goals for the person I am online.
I want to continue with my permanent intention of not caring too much about numbers, stats, figures and the self-reflection that comes from being online. I know I put myself out there and I ‘should’ expect hate but there are boundaries. Reinforcing them and expressing them, is how I intend to focus this.
But I also realise that when my health is ‘good/stable’ I can explore some of the aspects of my health and its journey that I feel deserve some online highlighting or just require me to write them out. I have been really enjoying my current set-up on big pieces of work being placed on here – my self hosted WordPress site – but I also have a social blog on Typeshare which is more about small nuggets and little stories. Those have been lovely these last few months. I plan to continue these.
Until next time,

Do you have any questions or queries? Or just want to share your own experiences? You can leave me a reply here or leave comments via my social media accounts – on Twitter, find my blog page on Facebook and over on Instagram
If you enjoyed this post check out 2021 Goals & Intentions