Infliximab #13 – Not so unlucky for me!
Third 6 weekly infusion happened again a week overdue, yesterday morning, 20th July.
Being Monday morning, it’s usually manic on the ward with rounds going on, lots of catch up from the weekend, but it was eerily quiet. Not a single nurse around, not many Gastro’s milling about seeing patients.. it was odd.
Both IBD nurses turned up – eventually, almost 40 minutes later than my scheduled appointment time, with the excuse of “injections to do with new Humira patients!” – and we finally got started.

After the usual catch up, checking of my blood results and pre-sepsis checks, we got cracking with canullation. Given that I had my bloods done earlier than usual – 11 days before my infusion at my last hospital appointment, to save a second trip – I was bruise free for once! After a failed attempt in the favoured hand, we settled on the crook of my left arm and away the infusion went. Event less as usual, but always with the sneezing and development of a slightly blocked nose; to which I take as normal – Infliximab reduces my inflammation and thus takes my immune system down to zero. It’s smart; it then allows everything to attack me, but I am pain and V&D free; I take it as a win. The sniffles are a small price to pay for 7 weeks of good bowel behaviour in my eyes.

Due to return in seven weeks – scheduling around the late Summer Bank Holiday – for Infliximab #14.
Today I see my GI to discuss my “progress” since I last attended clinic, 6 long weeks ago.
Before I’d started my job, before I started and stoppedmy elemental diet, before I lost alot and then put on a little weight. Before the MXT picked up and started to work (I hope so at least!) and before they ‘released’ Vedlizomab.
I’m hoping today I at least get my MXT refilled; I’ve got one more week left and do not want to be running around next week trying to get a prescription sorted – I am so over that! – and possibly get my MRI scheduled. I also want to know if we are going to Nottingham; knowing its dependent on having a MRI scan. So I am going full of positive energy, of wanting to get this process going.