2012 – Year in Review
We’re here, the final day of 2012, and I am sat realising that this past year has flown by yet again. That feeling doesn’t surprise me, but the lack of fear I have about the year coming up does.
I started 2012 extremely unprepared.
I had just finished a couple of weeks stint in the hospital, had just started Humira – yes, its been a whole 12 months of needles in my thigh and monthly blood tests – and was extremly cautious but keen to start 2012 without any further admissions. I kept my promise, I’ve had no mishaps that resulted in time in the gastro ward. I’ve had four days off work – I’m coming up to 11 months since my return – and that was only two weeks ago; and beside that only a handful of days off for Crohn’s aches and pains. Not bad going, I think, considering the chronic illness I have come to terms with – for the most part – this year.
I returned to work in early February and instantly loved it and then slowly began to hate it. I learnt alot about what is best to say about my Crohn’s from those people, but now I am settling into the finding a new job. I also found volunteer work with the 10th Lichfield Brownies pack, and starting in February I take over as the Leader in Charge. That kept me pretty busy, but all that changed in November when I was asked to help organise and run a new NACC chapter group here in my home town. That really boosted my confidence in myself and my ability to work. I am working hard on that, as we speak, I hope to keep you filled in as it goes into actual physical being.
I met lots of Crohnies this year too. Local ones and ones a far distance away and that really helped me out in times of despair. The greatness of Twitter helped me reach out to others, and indeed, others reached out to me, and I’ve become more vocal and involved in raising awareness. All those that I have met this year have really inspired me, they make me feel proud to be a crohnie. It is truly lovely to know them all.
I found love this year. He is wonderful and really understand that beyond my Crohn’s, I am just me. I am special to him because and despite of my Crohn’s Disease. That might sound odd and quite contradictory, but it works.
I’ve struggled alot this year with accepting my disease and spent a lot of the late spring into summer with a counsellor. The control I had in my life was sparse, but I’ve managed to reign that in and take back the control I once had from the pains and confusion Crohn’s have given me.
I go into 2013 with optimism.
I go into the new year wanted to be better.
I go with hope that I can become medication free this year.
I hope that I can create a great support group that people will want to use.
I hope that I find a job that supports me and my Crohn’s, instead of fighting me on it.
I hope to control all those pains and aches through diet and alternative therapies – possibly exercise, relaxation methods and the odd infusion of iron!