Pre-Scope Assessment – 26.02.16
What is a pre assessment appointment?
“Patients attending for a Colonoscopy procedure are seen by a pre assessment nurse prior to the date of their procedure. At this appointment the pre assessment nurse takes information from you and advises you how to prepare for the procedure. He / she will also give you the bowel cleansing medication and discuss your consent. At this appointment you are able to ask questions concerning the procedure, your medication and so fort. Failure to attend this appointment may mean your Colonoscopy procedure is canceled.”
What happens at this appointment?
I was taken into the Ednoscopy suite and to their assessment room. Here the nurse takes me through what procedure I’m having done and when. Being an IBD patient, I’m fairly familiar with what and why this is taking place, so its pretty light and casual. Usually its 20 minutes, I’m in and out within 10 minutes.
What is discussed?
We talk through my relevant history – If I have breathing problems or heart issues, what medication I am taking, if I’ve had surgery before – and then move onto what I want for the procedure: they offer sedation or gas and air. I opt for both because based on previous experience, I know my bowel is full of poylps and narrowings, so yeah, everything I can have, I want. She laughs, that’s fine. She says I will need collecting and have someone stay with me overnight at home. I’m given my paperwork to sign and read through, I need to bring this back on my procedure date.
What prep do I get given? Do I need to stop any medication?
Bowel preparation for colonoscopy is Moviprep. Two x two sachets of laxatives I need to take the evening before my procedure. I also need to not eat from 9am the day before, as well as following a low residue diet three days prior. Its alot to take in and it is confusing if you’ve never had one done before.

I don’t need to remove my contraceptive patch and I can even take my steroids on the day as long as its before the two hour window before that I’m not allowed anything. I imagine I’ll already be up, from all the prep going through me and the anxiety / nerves.
What happens next?
I’ll attend the endoscopy suite on the morning of my procedure, in comfortable clothes with my dressing gown in tow. I’ll be there for a couple hours – for both the procedure time and recovery afterwards and have to have the next day off resting because of the after effects of having the sedation (no driving, no heavy lifting or signing anything important). I will be told the results of my scope once I’ve come around properly and then they will explain this to my mom too – who is collecting me from the hospital.
This is step one in Operation ‘Colon Removal’ so fingers crossed I can manage a good bowel prep so they can really see what to do next. I’m slightly excited to get this journey / adventure started. I’m sure that I won’t be saying that when I’m struggling to get the second litre of prep down my neck the night before… !